Featured Organizations
Passano Foundation, Inc.
Passano family foundation
pride of Baltimore II
Stocks in the future
mid-Atlantic securities traders association foundation
Prospect Hill Cemetery
NEWfit Kids
Baseball Warehouse Charities
AHCC Foundation
“We’ve been a part of The Waverly Group for years now via Seth and we can’t say enough positive things regarding how they’ve helped us structure, grow and manage our Foundation and it’s many charitable giving’s. Their strategy, calm hand and structure is always there when we need a helping hand. We rely on their network, friendship and invaluable service to help us thrive year to year. Thank You to The Waverly Group.”
“In running a multifamily office for high net-worth individuals you are constantly working on new projects and looking to strengthen your bench for your clients. Philanthropy is a major component of this, and working with the Waverly team to handle the administrative and research side was just wat we needed. They dovetailed in seamlessly with our team and provided the extra support and expertise we needed.”
“Engaging Waverly has helped us manage our organization and streamline our processes. We were not pleased with our former management companies and Waverly stepped up to the plate to help us grow and become more efficient. As a membership organization with no staff, Waverly was a perfect fit for us; from growing our membership base, to enhancing the technical aspects of our website and partnering seamlessly with the Board, their dedication to service and support is a breath of fresh air.”
“The relationship with Seth and the Waverly team over the years has been extremely helpful for me and my family’s philanthropy. Seth’s ability to work with multiple generations of our family; from the big picture strategy of me and my wife, the education process of research and governance for the children, to working with the organizations we support is just wonderful.”